YETKIM provides access to resources such as the Erasmus+ project, inAcademia, databases within the scope of EKUAL, and some databases under ANKOS, through institutional identity servers supported by the European Union.

YETKIM offers an authentication and authorization infrastructure for web resources through the Single Sign-On (SSO) method. This infrastructure makes access to inter-institutional web resources simple and secure.

SSO is an authentication and authorization mechanism that allows access to all services through a single user login. This method simplifies username and password management for users while reducing the workforce needed for system management. Thus, users can access services like email, library, and student systems in one step.

In the Identity Federation infrastructure:

  • Individuals have a single identity credential, which is recorded, secured, and kept private by their institution.
  • The identity credential is used for a single login, and re-authentication is not required until the user logs out or closes the web browser used for accessing services.
  • Web resource administrators do not need to store or secure user identity credentials or handle authentication processes.
  • The authentication process is handled by the users' own institutions.
  • Service providers and identity providers mutually share metadata about their services.


After connecting to the system of the database they want to use, users can follow links such as "Institutional Sign In," "Access through your institution," "Institutional Login," or "Sign in to Continue Reading." On the screen that appears, they can select our university’s name and log in using the username and password they use for the university's automation systems to access the databases.
